JAutoclicker is a Software for automating the mouse clicks at the
positions defined by you. At most you can configure 3 coordinates to
-> Download the Executable jar and double click to start.
FOR DEVELOPERS: -> If you want to add hot key to this app. just uncomment the lines in Autoclicker.java and add Jintellitype jars and dll.
- Detects the coordinates of the screen.
- Automates the mouse button actions(right click,left click,middle click,double right click,double left click).
- Configure at most 3 screen coordinates to auto click.
- Option to set the delay between the clicks.
- Option to configure the number of times to click in a particular screen coordinate.
- Option to Pause and resume the clicks at any point of time.
- Option to Hide the application in system tray and to issue commands from system tray icon.
- Saves the last used settings while starting up the application even after the exit of the application.
- A rich user Interface.
- Option to integrate external library like Jintellitype to configure hot keys.
FOR DEVELOPERS: -> If you want to add hot key to this app. just uncomment the lines in Autoclicker.java and add Jintellitype jars and dll.